PAM Plus Loyalty App

  1. Membrship are used for point Collection at e-Walk and Pentacity Customer Service, Jatra & Astara Hotels and Balikpapan Super Bowling Cashier Counter
  2. Membership are non-transferable
  3. Holder of this membership is entitled and bound with the terms and conditions of PAM Plus
  4. Valid on Every Tenants and outlets under PAM GROUP
  1. Register at customer service counter, bring your ID
  2. The registration is free without charge
  3. The membership applies to one year after the first registration date and can be renewed or extended
  4. All of the information displayed in registration form can be use for marketing communications purposes of PAM Plus
  1. Minimum purchase of 500.000 IDR in all of e-Walk and Pentacity’s tenant is entitled with one (1) member card for the first purchase and automatically acquire two (2) points
  2. Minimum purchase of 250.000 IDR will acquire one (1) point
  3. Applies multiply with a precondition that the transaction took a place on one day or the same date in one time post (registration)
  4. The bill receipt that is valid only comes from e-Walk and Pentacity’s tenant
  5. This program does not apply to the purchase in exhibition area
  6. Cards must be kept by the customer holders and can not be changes ownership
  7. Cards must be shown in point acquiring and point changing
  8. This program does not applicable to the employee and management staff of PT. Wulandari Bangun Laksana, Tenant, Supplier, Outsource and their relatives
  9. E-Walk and pentacity’s management have a right to rescind the card if found any one of the terms and conditions have been violated. The violation with one or more terms require to restore the prize/reward that he/she already gained
  10. The e-Walk and pentacity’s management decision is absolute discretion and inviolable
  11. The customer that is eligible to follow this program must be citizen of Republic of Indonesia aged 17 years and over
  12. E-Walk and pentacity’s management can give clarifications on doubtful transactions and refuse the legitimacy of the receipt, including compiling receipts of another customers
  13. E-walk and pentacity’s management have a right to decline the bill receipts and doing the investigations or legal actions if there are any fraudulency indicated in the using of cards in accordance of the legal law
  14. If there are no other transactions starting from one year after the last transaction held, the card will be deactivated
  15. The regulations , terms and conditions may change throughout the period of time
  16. In case of damage or loss of the member card, the card will be replaced and charged for 50.000 IDR
  1. E-Walk and Pentacity management reserves the right to change the terms and conditions applicable without prior notice
  2. By signing the form , you have already understand and agreed of the terms and conditions that applies
  3. Any questions about the program of e-Walk and Pentacity member card can be addressed to the customer service by,
    Phone: (0542) 7213999 / (0542) 8520555
    Email: /

“Receive Hundreds of Benefits With PAM Plus Loyalty App, Every Time on Any Tenants in Balikpapan SuperBlock”